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UPM and Fenniarail to cooperate in raw wood transportation

4. elok. 2022

UPM-Kymmene Oyj and Fenniarail Oy have started cooperation on raw wood rail transport services in Finland. The traffic uses Fenniarail’s locomotives and UPM-managed raw wood wagons.

Timber is transported from loading points located in different parts of the country to UPM’s factories.

One raw wood train can transport the amount of wood that corresponds to more than twenty lumber trucks, therefore, railway transport of timber has a significant impact on the energy efficiency of the supply chain and the reduction of emissions.

“This new form of co-operation is of great importance to UPM’s wood logistics. We want to increase rail transport to our factories, because rail is a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective form of transport than road.’ said UPM Metsä’s resource manager Marko Nevalainen.”

Picture: The first raw wood train driven by Fenniarail from Jämsänkoski to Kouvola Kuusankoski station on 2.8.2022.

For more information:

Marko Nevalainen
Resource Manager
UPM Metsä
040 746 6037

Petri Lempiäinen
Chairman of the Board
040 553 7640

Juha Hakavuori
Managing Director
040 352 4771

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